Cat lover Clare over at Eat Stuff has tagged me for the Meme with two tails - The Best in the Last 30. This latest meme began life with Beau at Basic Juice . Follow the meme here .
It is a two part meme and I get to tell you about the best wine I've had in the past 30 days. Catherine at Food Musings will be sharing the best meal matching wine she has enjoyed in the past 30 days.
I don't even need to think about this. Actually I do. As it is exactly 30 days since we drank our one and only bottle of Penfolds Grange 1990. That obviously was the best, but I'm going to exclude it for this meme as it is such a rare occurence.
I'm selecting the first New Zealand Pinot Noir I've really enjoyed. My first glass was when a friend brought it along to this party. I loved it so much I went out and bought some for this event. With a few contacts in the industry I rarely pay retail for my wine. This is the one wine I won't think twice about paying the retail price.
It is the - drum roll please -
Olssens Jackson Barry Pinot Noir 2003.
And now I'm tagging Caroline, the lovely Irish lady at Bibliocook for the foodie tail, and for the wino tail - Ben at Pinot Island who knows all about wine in Tasmania.
Check out Beaus post on the difference between the two tales tails.