If you have stopped by after reading the article on Food Blogs in the New Zealand Taste magazine - WELCOME. I hope you enjoy your time here and come back again. Food blogs are not just a great resource for recipes and ideas, they are great fun, and if you are travelling overseas use them to check out restaurants. Most bloggers blog about their local restaurants giving you an alternative to the usual tourist marketed venues.
On the right hand side you will see a list of some of my favourite food blogs. For visits to New York check out Mona's Apple; San Francisco - Becks and Posh; Paris - Chocolate and Zucchini; Sydney - Grab Your Fork. Chez Pim is a widely travelled blogger who has reviews from cities all over the world...and she also writes a great blog on food and wine issues. There will be a food blog out there for any city you are visiting if you care to search.
I have made many friends amongst a caring and supportive group of food bloggers. Some I may meet , some I'll never meet. Being part of a world wide community of men and women passionate about good food and wine has become an enjoyable part of my life. I would encourage anyone who is interested to get involved. Go to Is My Blog Burning (on sidebar) to see some of the food and wine challenges organised by food bloggers. They are great fun, will expand your knowledge and you'll meet a heap of new people.
Usually I post two to three times a week. As I'm going through a second round of chemotherapy at the moment I'm posting only weekly on a Friday. After my treatment is complete in June I'll be back to normal postings with more of my own recipes. On the left hand side bar you will find Categories - all my recipes are there under Food.
Since my interview with Taste magazine several New Zealand based bloggers have been in touch with me and you will find a link to them on the right hand side bar. Please drop by and visit them.
If you want to leave a message in the comments section - please do - I'd love to hear from you. If it requires an answer check back to the comments section(where you left the message) the next day for my reply.