Yes this is a glass of champagne. This week I had my last chemo infusion. It will be a few weeks before my taste buds return to normal and I can enjoy the taste of a glass of bubbles. There are several bottles sitting in the cellar waiting to be opened. One bottle we will take to Australia in August where we have made arrangements to meet up with Canadian friends we made in 2004 while walking the Spanish Camino.
Another bottle was delivered this week by our friends Ron and Cheryl and we will invite them over to share it with us in our newly renovated closed in pool patio. What was once an outdoor pool has now been converted to an indoor pool after a developer built 45 apartments next door, completely taking our wonderful city views and privacy.
For the moment I'm lacking energy but in a few weeks I'll be back baking and will have the strength to take photos. I have a book full of other bloggers recipes I've saved over the past 5 months which I'm looking forward to trying.
Much of my time during chemo has been spent in front of TV and the Food Channel. I've seen Floyd in India, Anthony in Morocco, Rick's French Odyssey, Lloyd on Location and countless travel shows featuring food from every corner of the world. I have so many food ideas to put into practise.
Next weekend I have a lunch with Elise to look forward to when she is on a visit to Auckland. What could be more fun than sharing blogging stories with a fellow blogger.