How could I not participate in this event . When I saw Helene post about it I dropped by Melecotte to find out more. I was diagnosed with cancer while holidaying in Portugal in June 2004. It is almost three years since my life changed and hospitals and doctors rooms became the places I seemed to be spending a fair amount of my time in. Bars, restaurants and vineyards became non existent in my life. There are days where I long for my old life. I'll never have that old life back now. The chemotherapy has altered my taste buds to the extent I'd have to develop my palate all over again. Some days I have trouble telling the difference between a pinot gris and a Riesling. Last night we dropped by a bar after the movies . I was so convinced the Riesling I'd ordered was Sauvignon Blanc I asked the waiter to check the bottle. I can't believe my tastebuds are that bad so I'm going back with a former colleague for a second glass and to get her opinion.
The secret to surviving cancer is catching it early. Check with your doctor for when it is appropriate to have the various tests available. If you have lost a family member to cancer be especially vigilant and have those tests. Even if you say to your doctor "my Dad's oncologist says I should have a test for colon cancer" and your doctor says "how old was your Dad when he was diagnosed ?" and you say "78", and your doctor says "you're only 50 you don't need it for another 10 years" . So you don't have the test because you trust your doctor and 3 years later you're diagnosed with colon cancer and it's harder to fight because it is more advanced.
Now I've always been a foodie and I've exercised and stayed healthy all my life. I have never been a big fast food or junk food fan so I know my diet is not responsible for my cancer. Some cancers are genetic which is why the tests are important if cancer is in your family.
Healthy eating is one of tools in my bag for fighting the cancer, along with meditation, positive thinking and exercise.
I start every day with a bowl of porridge with fruit and nuts.
1 cup rolled oats
2 1/2 cups water ( I use filtered)
1 red apple (washed and grated)
1/4 cup raw macadamia nuts (chopped)
1/4 cup sultanas
1/4 cup blueberries
Other fruit in season
pinch of salt
In a medium saucepan mix oats, water and salt.
Cook over a medium heat until ready.
Add nuts, sultanas, grated apple.
Serve sprinkled with cinnamon.
Add milk or yogurt if desired.
I don't add sugar but if you want a bit of sweetness drizzle a little honey over.
This amount will serve two - three people.
There are ten foods we should eat often for a healthy life. They are oats, red apples, dark chocolate, blueberries, macadamia nuts, tomatoes, salmon, yogurt, garlic, broccoli.
To read more about fighting cancer with diet read Foods That Fight Cancer by Richard Béliveau and Denis Gingras.
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