We joked how when I returned to live in Australia I would change the weather on both sides of the Tasman. More rain in Queensland, more sunshine in Auckland. Well it happened. Since arriving on the Gold Coast a week ago we have seen about 40 minutes of sunshine. The beautiful white sand beach is a dull grey with more sand on the road than on the beach. Meanwhile Auckland is enjoying wonderful sunny days.
I last saw blue sky on Lindeman Island the day we left when I took some tropical flower photos.
My mood has not been helped by not having Internet connection. The Australian phone line we arranged before we left NZ had a line fault and has finally been fixed today. The Internet line we were assured would be connected within 5 days will take another 10 days. Until 15th January I have a dial up connection. Oh my, it is soooooo slow.
Thank you to everyone who has visited and left comments and personal emails. I apologise for not replying earlier. I'm looking forward to being back blogging soon and catching up on your adventures.