I found local vanilla beans. Earlier this year when we spent a weeks holiday in Port Douglas I saw big bunches of locally grown vanilla beans in the fruit shop. The heaviest rains in 70 years prevented me from getting through the flooded streets to buy some on my last day. A bit of googling when I arrived home and I found the grower....and they sell online. So I placed my order and I now have two big bundles of vanilla beans in my pantry. After placing a bean in all my sugars, vanilla flavoured olive oil was first on my to do list. It is made and sitting in a cool spot waiting to be used. I have no idea what I will use it for. I like Garrett's vanilla olive oil ice cream. Anyone have any suggestions?
UPDATE 17th July 08
Since writing this post I've been told the vanilla beans from Vanilla Plantations of Australia are actually imported from Papau New Guinea. I'm attempting to confirm the origin with the owners of the site but it isn't proving easy. I apologise to anyone who bought the beans under the impression they were locally grown in Australia. Australian grown vanilla beans can be purchased from Daintree Vanilla and Spice.