It might rain..............but it didn't.
Let's start with Pol Roger........
Tools for polo players
There are photographers with big lenses to capture the action
You'll need a string of polo ponies
They come in all colours
with strong legs.....
.....and pretty ankles
You'll need boots..............
.............and somewhere to sit
You'll need staff..........
............and some one to hold your mallet...
......and to bring you a fresh horse between chukkas
If you are lucky you'll get a groom with a beautiful smile.
Changing horses between chukkas...
...but sorry no champagne for you, just water.
Girls play polo too
A little action on the field....
....and up close
...and winners
Let's not forget the WAGs
And finally at the end of the play the horses get a shower.
And one more 'cos they are both so pretty