Remember the first series of Heston's Feasts. He made edible soil from black olives. Last night on Australian Masterchef he shared his Sound of the Sea dish, featuring edible beach sand made from a mixture of tapioca and fried bread crumbs.
Recently, in his Taste Australia column, Matt Preston wrote about the Nobu restaurant miso crumbs. They are used as a garnish, but they would be perfect for a edible garden table centrepiece.
MISO CRUMBS200 grams white miso (I used red as it is all I had). Spread it on a 30 cm square sheet of baking paper, then lay another sheet over the top. Roll it out with a rolling pin so the miso paste covers the sheet evenly and thinly. Peel off the top level of paper, leaving the miso on the bottom sheet.
Preheat oven to 80C.
Place the baking paper on a baking tray and freeze for 45 minutes.
Remove from the freezer and transfer to the oven. Cook at 80c until dried and crispy.This may take 3 - 4 hours. Mine took 2 1/2 as my oven over heats.
Peel of the dried sheet of miso paste and crumble it up or blitz in food processor.