Australian artist Nora Heysen, the daughter of artist Sir Hans Heysen, was just a teenager when she painted 'Basket of Eggs'. Her father did not think she showed good draughtsmanship in the composition. I'm inclined to agree with him.
I had some problems with this. Firstly I found it impossible to buy white eggs. It seems the colour of eggs, white or brown is determined by the breed of chicken. People mistakenly assume brown eggs are more nutritious than white eggs hence that seems to be all that is sold around here. I was told you can get white duck eggs more readily but I left it a bit late for that.
Secondly I had to use a cutting board as I did not have a table the correct colour. I created the back drop by hanging a green scarf at the back. The original painting has the table in the corner which I was unable to recreate.
I have also photographed this at too low an angle. I should have placed the camera at a slightly higher angle. But as this excercise is all about learning, I'm posting my not so successful results this month.