I began my blog seven years ago as a distraction to my cancer, which is why I rarely talk about it here on winos and foodies. Since it's beginning in 2007, LiveSTRONG with a Taste of Yellow was my way of raising awareness of both cancer and the great work done by Lance Armstrong and his LiveSTRONG organisation.
I am one of 28 million people worlwide living with cancer...and I have lived with cancer for 7 years now. It hasn't been easy, and there have been days where I have wanted to give in. Like everyone I have this strong will to live and have been prepared to try new chemos and new drugs as they became available. I just need to hang in here long enough in the hope they find a cure for cancer.
Early detection is the best way to beat cancer. Talk to your doctor about which tests you should have appropriate to your age. If there is a history of cancer in your family be especially viligant.
This is the first year since 2007 there has not been A Taste of Yellow. Having completed more chemo earlier this year I didn't feel I had the energy to promote a blog event. I am hoping to be back with it in 2012.
Sunday October 2nd is LiveSTRONG Day 2011. Please wear yellow and show your support for cancer survivors and LiveSTRONG.