winos and foodies is celebrating 7 years of blogging this week. In my head I wrote a long post docementing my feelings over the past seven years. But when I sat down at the computer the words wouldn't come. So I'll keep it simple.
Thank you to everyone who popped into winos and foodies over the past 7 years.
Thank you to those who read and leave comments, thank you to those that read and don't leave comments.
Thank you to the friends I've made; those still here and those that have moved on from blogging.
Thank you to those friends I've met and those friends in the virtual world.
Thank you for your love and support; especially those who showed their support when I really needed it...and those who helped me celebrate when I was ready to celebrate.
winos and foodies began as a diary of my days and a place to leave my memories of family and recipes for my children. Lately I haven't been able to find the energy to do much baking.
The drugs I take to manage my pain make me sleepy. They have taken away my appetite. Food doesn't excite me in the way it once did.
Sometimes I will taste something that will excite me. Like the sweetness of my first summer strawberry, or the smell of a new season peach.
As each day passes my energy is a little less as the secondary cancer again begins to take over my body. Which is why I have decided to accept my oncologist's suggestion and undergo another six months of chemo.
I will continue to blog when I feel able. I may even bake and blog. I hope so.
....and one final thank you and my most important thank you. Thank you Bryan. I know we joke about you being my kitchen bitch.........but I do appreciate all you do for me, everyday. <3