Happy New Year everyone.
I love the combination of the words twenty ten. Don't you? With that combination I have a feeling it is going to be a good year.
New years resolutions have never been part of my vocabulary. Well maybe when I was 16, but not anymore.
Instead I have decided on a couple of projects for this year. They both involve my camera and hopefully I will see an improvement in my photos by twenty eleven.
The first is Project 365. I will need to find the discipline to see this through for the entire year.
My other project is to post a weekly photo every Saturday featuring a heart. If you look around you will see hearts in the most unlikely places. Todays heart is from a gift wrapping ribbon.
If you'd like to join in and post your own heart photo please do. Let me know by email (pinotgrisATgmailDOTcom) and I'll link to it.